Museumsgarten mit hohem Gras, im Hintergrund das Lochmannhaus

Museum Starnberger See
Possenhofener Strasse 5
82319 Starnberg
+49 (0)8151 447 7570

Opening hours

Wednesday until Friday 2pm–6pm
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 11am–6pm

We are happy to open the museum for school classes and groups outside regular opening hours on request.

Closed: Monday Tuesday and December 24th and 31st

Certain areas of the museum are closed to the public whenever exhibitions are being changed.


Single ticket: 7 EUR
Concessions*: 5 EUR
Admission free for visitors under 18 years (and others according to the fee statutes**)
Family ticket: 8 EUR

Every first sundy of the month is Museum-Sunday. Admission: 1 EUR

*Pensioners, trainees, pupils, students, people completing the Federal Volunteer Service (or comparable voluntary services), people with a social security card, job seekers, people with a disability (from GdB 50), holders of the Volunteer Card of Bavaria

** School classes, teachers or supervisors accompanying groups of children or school classes or for preparation (written proof from the school or institution), VdK (Association of German Art Historians), ICOM (International Council of Museums), AICA (International Association of Art Critics), BVGD (Federal Association of German Tour Guides), holders of a valid press card, benefactors of the Starnberg Cultural Foundation, members of the Friends of the Museum (Freundeskreis Museum Starnberger See)